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Une paroisse catholique du diocèse de Torit, au Sud-Soudan, pillée une "sixième fois" lors d'un cambriolage nocturne

La paroisse Saint-François d'Assise du diocèse catholique de Torit, au Sud-Soudan. Crédit : Diocèse de Torit

St. Francis of Assisi Parish of the Catholic Diocese of Torit in South Sudan was, over the last weekend, looted a “sixth time” in a nighttime robbery, the Parish Priest has told ACI Africa in an interview.

In the Tuesday, June 13 interview, Fr. Lazarus Elia Wani said the June 10 robbery that involved some armed people happened “at around 2 a.m. when we were sleeping”.

The robbers, Fr. Elia said, “broke into some rooms meant for the guests”, and made away with "a solar inverter, three bottles of altar wine, and new bedsheets” as well as some cash equivalent of US$700.00

“This is now the sixth time these people are coming to steal and go away,” the South Sudanese Catholic Priest said, adding, “We have given the information to the police and they are still investigating but I don’t know if they will get them.”

In the June 13 interview with ACI Africa, Fr. Elia described the robbers as “destructive people who don’t think and value the development of the country, community and the future of others.” 

“These are the people who are only thinking about themselves; that's why they don’t value the property that is meant to help the community,” the South Sudanese Catholic Priest added.

He went on to recall previous robbery incidents at the Parish, saying, “The first time they came and removed all the indicators and the side mirrors of the vehicle and particularly the ambulance that serves the community.”

“These are not jobless people but organized people who are against the Church and the community,” Fr. Elia further said, and added, “They are people who are very organized because they move in a group of three or more with guns.”

The Parish Priest of St. Francis of Assisi Parish called for prayers for the conversion of those involved in Parish robbery. He implored, “May God change their hearts to be faithful Christians who have respect for the properties of the Church and the community because stealing is not natural.”

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