Mogadiscio, 04 octobre, 2022 / 9:34 (ACI Africa).
Action to help the drought-stricken people of God in Somalia needs to be urgently taken before the Horn of Africa nation falls “into widespread family”, the leadership of the global confederation of Catholic relief agencies, Caritas Internationalis (CI), has said.
In a September 30 report, CI officials say, “Nearly 7.8 million people in Somalia have been affected by the worst drought experienced by the country in over 40 years.”
“Currently, over 1.1 million people are displaced and, by the end of this year, approximately 6.7 million people across Somalia are expected to face high levels of acute food insecurity,” they further say, and appeal for urgent intervention saying, “Action must be taken now to stop Somalia falling into widespread famine.”
CI officially officials describe the situation in Somalia as a “crisis” that requires immediate attention to members of the “international community”.
“The international community cannot turn a blind eye to this crisis unfolding in the Sahel and Horn of Africa and must engage with all actors who can make a difference in this region,” they say, and add, “In northern Africa, drought has forced millions to leave their homes following the destruction of crops and the death of livestock.”